Schlagwort: private

  • The Social Consequences of Household Finance

    The Social Consequences of Household Finance

    Financial institutions around the world have made it easier for private individuals to take out a variety of loans and use financial products to invest and speculate. This trend has affected the ways in which people purchase property, consume desired goods, or cope with financial crises. But the influence of debt and the financial industry…

  • Testing clothes on the computer -Sustainable shopping through virtual worlds

    Testing clothes on the computer -Sustainable shopping through virtual worlds

    May, 10th, 2024. With the TryOn@Home project, Hof University of Applied Sciences is working on an online demonstrator for trying on clothes in the comfort of your own home. Sensory experience is a basic human need, which is ultimately the biggest challenge at the moment, according to research director Prof. Dr. Groth. In the spirit…