Mindblown: a blog about philosophy. Communication. Technology. Humans. Fashion and Society.

Movement is an expression of non-verbal communication. Technological development and progress favour people moving less in the future. It therefore requires the free desire, will and drive of people to want to move. To find the motivation to do so.

We inform ourselves and give signals, we nourish ourselves, exercise and take shape. Form provides support and boundaries. In this we are free. Clothing is a medium. Those who move create awareness of form, create impact, shape space. Aesthetics is a great basic need.

That means:
– „Find the beauty in your heart, so that you can discover it in every heart“ – Rumi

Sports, fashion, smart textiles and thus also artificial intelligence, in their impact on the individual and their participation in education and society, as well as a means of expressing profound communication

  • Virtual skin contact – smart textiles make touch tangible

    Virtual skin contact – smart textiles make touch tangible

    Feeling touch on your own body without making skin contact. There are restrictions in life where direct contact is not allowed. But the attempt to create a feeling of contact via a virtual world is now being made possible by smart textiles. From 22 to 26 April, the team led by Stefan Seelecke and Paul…

  • In touch with the computer Smart textiles for communication with the virtual world

    In touch with the computer Smart textiles for communication with the virtual world

    Saarbruecken, March, 30th, 2023. A wafer-thin, supple silicone film is the only input device where a controller or keyboard would otherwise have been. Professor Stefan Seelecke and his research team at Saarland University are endeavouring to enable humans and computers to communicate more intuitively and naturally in the future. The communicative feedback, as provided by…

  • Wenn Führungskräfte nach oben buckeln und nach unten treten

    Warum verhalten sich Führungskräfte ihren eigenen Vorgesetzten gegenüber kooperativ und vorbildlich, ihren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern gegenüber aber ganz anders? Und wann und bei wem haben sie damit Erfolg? Forschende der WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management und der Kühne Logistics University (KLU) sind diesen Fragen nachgegangen. Ihre Publikation gibt auch Hinweise, wie Organisationen dem…

  • Movement inhibiting Depression and raises acivity of brain

    Movement inhibiting Depression and raises acivity of brain

    Movement are act against depression! An actuall study of Clininc of Universiy on Psychatry from the Univesity of Bochum are showing this. Actively of Body are decline symptoms of depression. They also raise up the willingness of alteration from the brain. The alteration is the condition for Process on adaption and learning. The study is…

  • The eye, omnipresent

    The eye, omnipresent

    Saarbrücken, April 13rd, 2021: Design is female and the future belongs to it. This was already predicted by one of the world’s largest advertising agencies, Grey from Düsseldorf, in a study in 2010. Whether we feel sympathy or antipathy for something determines where we go, which products we want to buy, what attracts us or…

  • In sync with the moon

    In sync with the moon

    Does the moon influence a woman’s menstrual cycle? This question has been hotly debated for a long time. A new study by chronobiologists in Würzburg now speaks in favour of such an influence. However, it is complicated. Wurzburg/BRD, January 27th, 2024. The blog ‘Ladyplanet. Naturally being a woman’ is certain: ’Our cycle is linked to…

3D-Print 3D-Printer Ai altruism artificialIntelligence ArtificialNetworks Biology Body Brain cautious circulareconomy Climate Communication Community cooperation coordination Emotions evolution Fashion Finance Healthy History Information Innovation Language learning lifeSatisfaction Memory Motivation movement Muscle Neurons private productivity psychology reciprocity Religion SmartTextiles socialMedia Society sport Technology Therapie Thinking Transformation