Closing event of the ‘Bio2Design’ project

Sustainable product and fashion design Researchers present information concepts on sustainable materials

Making product and fashion design sustainable. This was the aim of an interdisciplinary research consortium ‘Bio2Design’, which has now been presented at a final event.

Hanover, 27 September 2024: The Institute of Bioplastics and Biocomposites is currently working on sustainable materials for product and fashion design. Researchers and project partners from the ‘Bio2Design’ consortium will present the results of a sustainability project in fashion design to a broad international audience at a final event at Trier University of Applied Sciences. The presentation focussed on the question of how information on sustainable materials can be made available to designers. To this end, the exhibition presented design and fashion concepts that were developed using sustainable materials.

A core problem is the search for sustainable materials and the necessary sustainability information. It should be possible to implement ecological and socio-economic sustainability data for bio-based products in existing information structures. For example, in databases. Solutions are also being sought as to how information of this kind can be incorporated into training and teaching.

The initial results of the Hanover and Trier Universities of Applied Sciences were presented. In the future, the results should contribute to the further development of concepts in this form. The ‘Bio2Design’ project was funded by the BMEL under the project management of FNR e. V. for two years.

Trier University of Applied Sciences/Campus Design, Sidorenko

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