Under the Lead of Max-Planck-Institut for empirische Ästhetik (MPIEA) developed an international and interdisciplinary Team if and hiw Humans her own Emotions through Body language gives expression. Fundamental movement concepts that take place from the inside of the body, at the interface between the neuronal connection and the muscles and joints are called interoception.
Frankfurt am Main, July, 02th, 2024. Who or what i am, is an expression in a kind of human movement. What shaped me at what point in time, what is inside me, what speaks from me, whether my inner behaviour, thoughts and feelings match my outer appearance or not. It is a kind of Communication and expression.
Some several Authors had in a big time of psychoanalysis, before more as 100 years already Explore the opposite. Neuroses inhibit the ability to move to the point of complete paralysis!
An resisted up to all what you get for your nose is an expression of Neuroses they never before combats and so they getting more intensively. Resisting pretty much everything that comes your way is an expression of neuroses that have never been combated and have therefore intensified.
On the other hand, there is productivity, the moment when motif and movement come together. How much does something have to move me emotionally before a motive enables me to take an action? The expression of signals from inside the body is called interoception. A professional dancer repeated short dance choreographies in front of a green screen. Her Movements were with an full-body overall and an Motion-Capture recorded. The task for the sudie was to express emotions through dance. Anger. Satisfaction, fear, joy, neutrality and sadness.
On this way, accrued an Pilot-Dance-dataset, which has parameters like speed, speedup or contraction of exremities was contained. 12 kinemativ features of emotional full-Body movements could be extracted in kind of this. Movement tracking has been used in many areas in recent years because the objective recording of movement parameters can provide information about people’s intentions, feelings and state of mind.
However, this research requires theory-based methodology in order to be able to draw meaningful conclusions from the data collected. „This work shows how artistic practice, psychology and computer science can work together in an ideal way to develop methods for researching human cognition,“ says Andrés Fernández from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen and co-first author of the work. The open source software package Emokine is freely available via the internet platform ZENODO and GitHub and can be transferred to all motion capture systems.
These freely available digital tools can be used to analyse not only the emotional expression of dancers and other groups of artists, but also everyday movements.
The researchers now hope that the EMOKINE software they have developed will find applications in various fields: in experimental psychology, affective neuroscience and in the field of computer vision, particularly in the AI-supported analysis of visually characterised media – a field within AI that enables computers and systems to extract meaningful information from digital images, videos and other visual inputs. EMOKINE helps scientists to answer the question of how kinematic parameters of whole-body movements convey different intentions, feelings and mental states to observers.
Christensen, J. F., Fernández, A., Smith, R. A., Michalareas, G., Yazdi, S. H. N., Farahi, et al., F., Schmidt E. M., Bahmanian, N., & Roig, G. (2024). EMOKINE: A Software Package and Computational Framework for Scaling Up the Creation of Highly Controlled Emotional Full-Body Movement Datasets. Behavior Research Methods. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-024-02433-0
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PictureSource MPI für empirische Ästhetik / L. Kleber, Visualisierung Avatar: XSENS®
PictureDescription: Core of the Sudy was the Question, if and how Humans his emotions expression through his body.
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