Kategorie: Economy
ISM research project Brands imitate brands
How imitation affects consumers Colour, shape, design – the recognition value of a brand goes far beyond the mere brand name. Consumers recognise and value brands precisely for the familiarity they create. The relevant characteristics are often associated with the authenticity and high quality of a brand. But what happens when well-known brands imitate the…
Circular economy regulation stimulates transformation
Many regulations in Germany and the European Union act as a catalyst for the transformation to circular business models. Examples include the right to repair and the End-of-Vehicle Act, which is currently being voted on. The concept of the circular economy aims to keep materials and products in closed value creation cycles. Problems of the…
The biggest challenges in 2024 Skills shortage and increasing competitive pressure
The shortage of skilled labour is still at the top of the IfM Bonn’s ‘SME Future Panel’ – however, this challenge is now also associated with aspects such as personnel costs and a lack of quality applicants. There are also differences depending on company size and sector as well as the degree of digitalisation. ‘Increased…
The Social Consequences of Household Finance
Financial institutions around the world have made it easier for private individuals to take out a variety of loans and use financial products to invest and speculate. This trend has affected the ways in which people purchase property, consume desired goods, or cope with financial crises. But the influence of debt and the financial industry…
Junge Menschen wollen die Wirtschaft besser verstehen
Mehr als die Hälfte der jungen Menschen in Deutschland zeigt Interesse anWirtschaftsthemen. Zugleich beklagt jeder, jede Zweite, nicht über ausreichendes Wissen zu verfügen, um wirtschaftliche Nachrichten verstehen zu können. Die Wirtschaftspolitik der Parteien spielt für junge Menschen eine wichtige Rolle bei ihrer Wahlentscheidung. Doch nur wenige fühlen sich bei wirtschaftspolitischen Entscheidungen ausreichend berücksichtigt. Gütersloh, 24.…
Artificial scarcity as a mass phenomenon
In addition to artificial scarcity, a number of psychological ‘tricks’ to satisfy affective behaviour contribute to the success of trivial consumer seduction. The scientist Michael Rasimus from the DHBW in Karlsruhe is investigating these affective stimuli that contribute to purchase manipulation. Karlsruhe, October 04th, 2024 – The most fundamental question in economics is always: „Why…