Holografic Display

The immersive collaboration hub by FernUniversity Hagen – the Future of learning an working

The immersive collaboration hub by Disanzlearning University of Hagen should be a place on which the future of learning and working will be an experience. On this place meet-up modern technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and Artificial Inteligence (AI). In centrum from ICH (Immersive collaboration Hub), that is actually arranged and also opened, stands the experience of immersive as a part of digital Presentation, reality and virtuality.

Hagen, September, 16th, 2024. Actors of the hub could, from Start-up up to multiplicators on the interface to Reasearch and Development, Economics and Education near by practise in an ecosysem of Founders make experiences with modern applications. Modern technologies like VR/AR-Glasses, holographical Displays, complete Body scanner, high modern 3D-printers as so as powerfull Computers, build an transition to the virtual Worlds.

The holographical display creates realistic 3D-Presentations from Objects or Humans in Air or an surfaces. Comlete Body scanner makes inside of seconds 200 and more pictures and creates out of them individual 3D-Models as Basics for virtual Avatars. Several Computer Workplaces are especially for 3D-Content. Supported in Standby-mode are Photogrammetrie-Scanner which gather digital objects and transfer it in virtual worlds.

Hagen, 20.02.2024, Fernuniversität Hagen FU – ICH – Immersive Collaboration Hub, VR/AR-Technologien, holografisches Display, 3D-Hologramm und 3D-Brille | F o t o : V o l k e r W i c i o k

Commitment for Education, Research and Devlopment and also Working practices

„For the FernUniversity is the hub an enormous enrichment“, says Prof. Ada Pellert, Principal of the FernUniversity. „He is an leap in innovation for education and Research and Development. Our Studys and researchers could here developed innovativ Projects, which going in an white Range over the borders from traditional Educations- and Development“

For Companys could be here new rudiments, prevered makes possible also for Education and teaching. „The fields of applications are in a range from VR-supporter Education in craft through over AR-based instructions of to equip in production up to immersiv medical areas of commitments. First cooperations have started now“, supplemented Prof. Thomas Ludwig, which made the Hub essential conceived.

Funded by the state of NRW

The Immersive Collaboration Hub is primarily funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. State Secretary Matthias Heidmeier from the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs in NRW said at the opening of the hub: ‘What the FernUniversität is launching here provides an answer to the current crises of confidence: creating professional opportunities and thus opportunities in life.’ In view of the impending shortage of skilled labour in NRW, investments must be made in what constitutes the future of industrial and academic training – and that is primarily technology. ‘At ICH, we now have the opportunity to physically discover and experience the opportunities of digital transformation for our working world. This makes the potential even more tangible and, with good social partnership involvement, a win-win situation for employees and companies.’

Further Informationen:

http://ich-fernuni.de/ Website for the Immersive Collaboration Hub

PictureSources: Holografic Display, Volker Wiciok, FernUniversität
Blick in die Zukunft, Volker Wiciok, FernUniversität

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