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Testing clothes on the computer -Sustainable shopping through virtual worlds

May, 10th, 2024. With the TryOn@Home project, Hof University of Applied Sciences is working on an online demonstrator for trying on clothes in the comfort of your own home. Sensory experience is a basic human need, which is ultimately the biggest challenge at the moment, according to research director Prof. Dr. Groth.

In the spirit of sustainable business and the sensory touch of consumers, the research team led by project manager Prof. Dr. Groth from Hof University of Applied Sciences is striving to find solutions to the growing demands between sustainable consumption and growing requirements in logistics, taking maximum account of resource conservation. Returns are to be avoided, products described more efficiently and product presentations realized in greater detail. Maximum success with the first order is the maxim, clear presentations at all levels in order to meet the consumer’s decision-making process in a more targeted manner are part of the framework conditions.

A human-machine interface will exchange the most important information between the consumer and the product in such a way that other information can be supplemented by artificial intelligence without interfering with data protection. During this process, it will be possible to „[…] virtually adapt a photorealistic and size-accurate representation of the selected item of clothing to the customer,“ says Dr. Christian Groth.

The AI is to be expanded „[…] so that we can process multimodal input data. We then train the AI models so that a realistic estimate of the size is possible,“ adds Prof. Groth.

The project partner is „pureshirt“, which provides the data for training the AI, such as product photos on the human model as well as patterns, size information and more.

Synthetic images are then created using rendering software to further improve the quality of the AI models. The resulting demonstrator is then implemented on the project partner’s website. „This gives us sufficient feedback on the acceptance and quality of the generated images,“ says Prof. Groth.


„TryOn@Home“ is a sub-project of the technology transfer project „Multi-modal human-machine interface with AI at Hof University of Applied Sciences“. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the ERDF Operational Program under the objective „IWB – Investments in Growth and Employment“ Bavaria 2021 – 2027 (IWB).

Open source solution for small and medium-sized enterprises freely available

The availability of the solution is also new – because the models created in the project are to be published as open source software: „This means that a large number of companies can benefit from them, especially small and medium-sized enterprises,“ says Prof. Groth hopefully.

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