Evolution evolves A new book

Evolution evolves A new scientific understanding of evolution is emerging

The „natural selection“ discovered by Charles Darwin remains the central mechanism even after many discoveries in recent years. New discoveries are moving in the direction of deeper specialisations of heritable traits and characteristics. A forthcoming book will show new perspectives on how the evolutionary process has evolved over time and continues to do so.

Ploen, September 24thm 2024 „This book provides a view of evolutionary biology that takes organisms seriously. What organisms do and how they function actually plays a role in their own evolution. I think the time is ripe to bring biology back into the thinking of evolution.“ Reports Nathalie Feiner, Lise Meitner Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, who co-authored the book.

„Evolution Evolving“ has now been published by Princeton University Press. The book describes how animals and plants make new adaptations through cultural transmission, epigenetic inheritance or symbiotic bacteria. Marc Kirschner, one of the leading biologists at Havard University, describes the book as a masterpiece and „a fascinating and original extension of the theory of evolution“. First author Kevin Lala, Professor of Behavioural and Evolutionary Biology at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, also explains:
„This is an exciting time for evolutionary biology. In recent years, there have been many scientific discoveries that challenge traditional understanding. Phenomena that we previously thought impossible have been proven and this is causing scientists to rethink.“

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