5G in der Volkswirtschaft Ria Sopala Pixabay

5G in the national economy

From the perspective of the economy and the associated division of labour, 5G is a new dimension. After all, it will speed up processes many times over.

Growing interest in local networks.

Local networks are limited to one campus and therefore networking, in relative terms, to a very small area. This should result in a small-scale distribution in local networks leading to a densification, and if many campuses were to experience such a densification, the entire global network would accelerate considerably.

The Federal Network Agency retained a portion of the 5G frequencies at the auction and made them available to the industry for its own use.

The frequencies of the local networks are in the 3.6 and 3.7 gigahertz range.

The tendency to want to use their own networks is in line with the development of cities and villages to have a more small-scale structure, to become more densely populated and to separate themselves from the large-scale organisation, to develop in the direction of autonomy. This in turn should favour the situation of being more stable as an independent organisation and being able to maintain the systems and infrastructures independently.

Image source: Ria Sopala Pixabay

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