
Social Network of synapsys navigate your act

Bonn, 02.09.2024. For the discovery of neuroplasticy, there was the Nobelprice. Point was the question of how are itselfs neuronal activity is shelfs in the brain, while we are thinking. The activity in interaction between inside perception and tempt from the environment. Yet it was nonspecific, how neurons an alteration of strength over more, near together lying and simultaneously realize active synapsys. Researchers from Bonn and Japan have to clarify how synapsys in neighbouring theirs reaction for signals of Plasticy have to coordinate. The resul are released in specialist journal „Nature Communications“.

Die Plastizität von Synapsen hängt davon ab, wie viele benachbarte Stacheln potenziert werden. Die Größe und räumliche Verteilung dieses "sozialen Netzwerks" bestimmt, wie viel Plastizität jeder einzelne Synapse sich leisten kann.
Source Thomas Chater
The plasticy of synapsys depends from, how many neighbour spines are potentioned. The size and spatial selection of this social network certains, how many plasticy every synapsis can empowermental.

Neurons are the arithmetic unit from the brain. They are receiving thousands of synapical Signals over through the dendrits, whereby individual synapsys any dependent underlie activity plasticy.
This synaptical plasticy is the mechanism, which our memory is underlying our thinking and also as a mirror longlife alteration in the synaptical strong will find again.

By the learning new Memorys are particularly active synapsys boosting his connections in a process, the is called by name „Longlifepotential“ (Langzeitpotenzierung (LTP).

It was now unclear, how nervecells realize his ressources for the synaptical shift of strongly through Room and time under neighbourous synapticals. Until now has been assumed, that every synapsis independent from other to decide, how it modify. Nervcells in the brain receives thousands of synaptical signals over his Antenna, this is the dendritic spine.

Contonously changes in the synaptical strength correlates with an Changes sizes dendrical spine. Researchers to end out of, that the competition between spines arround molecular Ressources and distances in spatial between simultaniously stimulated spines have an influence of resulting dynamical.

An new visability through an actual studie suggests, how neighbour synapsis his reaction of plasticy signals to coordinate. Researchers from Bonn and Japan has founded, that the togetherness usage of proteins and calcium the synaptical plasticy makes it to an collectiv action.
In this is the influence of behavour from an synapsis, how the other could have an reaction.

„when several synapsis wish simultaniously to potentiate and near are togetherness, they are in compete, so that every synapsis less strengh is potentate, Otherwise the simultaniously potensation can less synapsis through the overload activated ressources the plasticy from others synapsis made easier“, tells Prof. Tajana Tchumatchenko, from Institut fpr Experimental Epileptologie and development of Cognition by UKB and member in transdisciplinary Developmentarea (TRA) „Modelling“ by University of bonn.

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Strong Competiotion under neighbour spines

Spines, fungiform of nervecells, to find in the brain and could makes stronger synaptical connections. „The glutamate-clearance makes it possible a precise manipulation selected synapsis, which give as the permission, particularily to watch, how many synapsis itselfs have to potentiate and in which intensity“, is descripe dr. Thomas Chater (Glutamate is an exciting messenger substance of the brain) „this makes it possible for us, which this data to development an modell and his own parameters in an set of three stimulated denditric spines to adapted. So we can make a prediction, how itselfs seven oder fiveteen spines has been behavior“, means Dr. Maximilian Eggl. Chater and Eggl are both Co-firstauthors of this studie and also working very closed.

„our results shows, the spatial array simultinously stimulated synapsis are very influences the dynamical of the growing or shrink of spines are considerable. That shows also, that multiple of the selfes dendrits saftey memories each other could influences“, explained Prof. Goda. The Leaders of this study, the recognitional how neurons synaptical ressources are administrated, is guided to a better understand to help of cognitial processes in our healthy brain and also o develop new strategie to fight Alzeimer, Autism-Spektrum-disorders and other cognitial derogations.

This project has been financed from European Forschungsrat (ERC) as a part from Forschungs- and Innovationsprogramms Horizont 2020 der Europäischen Union („MolDynForSyn“).

Uniclinical Bonn:
In the UKB it gives per year arround 500.000 treatments of patients. 9.500 Emploees and the bilances are 1,8 Mrd. Euro- 3.500 Medicine- and dentistry-Studys. 550 Humans are in educated in healthy-Jobs, per year.


Chater, T.E., Eggl, M.F., Goda, Y. and Tchumatchenko T.: Competitive processes shape multi-synapse plasticity along dendritic segments.; Nat Commun 15, 7572 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51919-0

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